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Thursday, 2 November 2017

'I laughed so hard after watching you talk about tithes because everything you said is 10000% rubbish' - Waconzy comes for Daddy Freeze

The social media war on tithe paying looks like an unending one as singer Waconzy joins the growing number of celebrities to disagree with media personality and the president of free the sheeple movement, Daddy Freeze over his stance on tithing.
Taking to his Instagram page today, he wrote: 
@daddyfreeze with due respect as my elder, I laughed so hard after watching you talk about tithes cos everything u said is 10000% RUBBISH! 
GEN. 14:19–20 , GEN. 28:20–22 , LEV. 27:30–34, NUM. 18:26, DEUT. 12:5–6
Yes, we are in the last days and fake prophets and pastors everywhere (not only in Nigeria, what of ghana, Benin republic, USA and other parts of the world? 
But it doesn't change the word of God! 
People don't pay their tithe to the pastor, they pay it to God and whatever the pastor does with it is their business.its, not our duty to judge but to do what what Jehovah has instructed through the bible.
How do you expect churches to sponsor crusades, build churches, pay TV ads & more if not for tithes & offerings?
Do u think anybody will go to church if their pastor is looking poor? Real men of God are not blessed with our tithes or offerings, as a matter of fact, some pastors single-handedly sponsor their ministries for years before they start getting members.
10% for God is not too much. Your tithe is your financial covenant with God and it works 10000000000%. As a matter of fact, @timayatimaya secret of success is tithing.
Here in America, if you don't pay your tax, which is about 25% of your earning, you going straight to jail plus they use private jets too (why are u not complaining about them?
Your tithe is your kingdom tax and if you don't pay it, you are going straight to financial jail. 
Your tithe is different from your salvation. 
Salvation is in the heart and good works/charity, while your tithe is for financial progress/openings. 
It shows God(not your pastor) that you put him first and he will not allow evil to touch your flow of financial blessings.
About fake pastors, guys remember that you don't have to worship your pastor because he is mortal like you. The only difference with your pastor and you is that he is more disciplined in keeping God's words, therefore, there will be signs and wonders when he calls on God. 
How will you know fake pastors? You will just know, your spirit will tell you. They can't fake it for too long.
Brothers and sister please pay your tithe to a living church and watch God bless you. ? Waconzy

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