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Saturday 2 December 2017

Lionel Messi's Brother Wanted By Police For Suspected Murder.... More Details Here

Matias Messi the older brother of Lionel Messi iswanted in Argentina after police discovered a gun in his blood-soaked boat, accordingto reports.  

Matias allegedlytold a security guard at the Fighiera fishing club that he cut his face bycolliding with a sandbar, but after police discovered a .380 handgun insideMatias' motorboat, they tried and failed to track him down forquestioning. 

However, the Messi family has issued a statement sayingMatias was not carrying a gun on the boat, and has been at the hospitalprepping for surgery.

In 2008, he was arrested for carrying a loaded firearmwithout a permit, and in 2015, he was detained for again failing to providedocumentation for his gun. 


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