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Friday 27 October 2017

WHAT!!! : Woman Was Raped In Broad Daylight And Passersby Didn't Do Anything To Help her....Shocking Story Here 👇

A woman supposedly in her 20s in the city of Visakhapatnam in the Bay of Bengal has been raped under a tree where she was resting despite being in a busy place at the time. 

According to reports, nobody intervened to help her as the 23-year-old man attacked her. Some onlookers were said to have filmed the incident while some simply walked past without batting an eyelid. 

The assailant, Ganji Siva, has been taken into custody.Police sub-inspector K Suresh told the Hindustan Times that the victim had fled home after an argument with her husband.

 “Apparently she was very weak as she had not eaten for several hours and was sleeping on the footpath under the shadow of a tree when Siva, in an inebriated condition, assaulted her sexually. 

“Passers-by did not bother to stop him even as the woman was too weak to even scream,” the Suresh added. 

A driver on the opposite side of the road filmed what happened and handed it to police, but by the time they arrived at the scene, the attacker had fled.The attacker was soon identified as a result of the footage and witness accounts.He is in police custody awaiting trial.


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