Francis Van-Lere is the estranged husband of the self-acclaimed relationship expert, Amara Blessing-Nwosu. Francis who appears sad about the breakup of their marriage, shared a new post on Facebook, still talking about his failed marriage. He says Donald Trump's extreme vetting policy would help Nigerian men and women residing in the US to be wary of bringing in deceitful persons from Nigeria as husband or wife.
Read his post below
'Sour vow from sour soup she made to me. I post all these things as community service to men and women in America importing foreigners as a wife or husband. Truth must be told no matter who as a lot of men have lost their assets to deceitful women . This is the menace Donald Trump wants to stop with his ‘extreme vetting policy ‘.Do not be deceived by sweet words or bible posts.
The lesson I learned is go by your instinct, if she does not feel right then it is not right. Do not feel pity by their past circumstance as I did as it could be a lie.
Here is her sour vow that I was fooled with :“At first, I disliked you and I told you I hated you. As I continued forcing myself to be your friend, I fell helplessly in love with you. I just couldn't help not being in love with you. Even now, I can't help it. You brought out the forgotten girl in me. You touched where nobody ever touched.Francis, Your beautiful soul, heart, and mind inspire me to be the best person I can be. I promise to love you for eternity, respecting you, honoring you, being faithful to you, and sharing my life with you. You will forever be my king.
This is my solemn vow. “None of the last paragraph was kept after she got her papers. Uncontrollable disrespect , no honor, no love, no sex , violence and I was never her king as she felt she did me a Favour marrying me because she is a Facebook queen marrying a man with diabetes that will die in two years according to her . I will die when God says not when a woman who wants to collect my sweat by deceit says .

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