Pregnant men won't be able to give birth naturally, Caesarean Section. Well womb transplant has worked for women born without wombs; they successfully carried the pregnancies to term and birthed healthy babies. Experts are saying that the male system has enough room for a womb to be put in there to carry pregnancies. Read below...
Richard Paulson, president of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, said eight children had already been born to women after transplants.
And he told a meeting in San Antonio, Texas: “There’s plenty of room to put a uterus in there. Men and women have the same blood vessels.”
He said the next step would to be trials involving transgender women to help them become natural mothers.
Such ops are not allowed in the UK.
But earlier this year, UK academics called for a debate on whether transgender women should be considered for NHS womb transplants.
Liverpool University medical ethics lawyer Dr Amel Alghrani said new technology now makes it possible for them to have children of their own. critics said transgender women may want to think of safer options first — such as using a surrogate. Julian Savulescu, professor of practical ethics at Oxford University, said the safety of the baby should be the priority.
He added: “It it is hard to justify from the perspective of using NHS health resources, or from the child’s own perspective.”
Docs hope to perform the first UK womb transplant in 2018.
In 2014 a Swede gave birth after receiving a uterus from a living donor.
**In the near future, men may be able to get pregnant too and give birth through CS, since there's no birth canal (Vee-jay) there*
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