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Thursday, 26 October 2017

SHOCKING: Blogger allegedly murdered his dad for calling him a Nazi

Blogger allegedly murdered his dad for calling him a Nazi

A prolific YouTuber and Redditor has been arrested after he stabbed his father to death because his father called him a Nazi.
33-year-old Lane Davis leans towards far-right politics and can be described as a radicalized one. The unemployed college dropout spent a lot of time on the internet peddling conspiracy theories. He was a prolific poster on the Donald Trump subreddit, a former intern for Milo Yiannopoulos, who was then the tech editor at Breitbart, and an editor for a prominent GamerGater’s conspiracy site.

He also began "investigating" GamerGate by calling the employers of women game developers and their allies, in an attempt to get them fired. After a fallout with Yiannopoulos, Davis began writing for The Ralph Retort, another far-right site whose founder is currently serving a prison sentence for assaulting a police officer.
Simply put, Lane Davis, known online as Seattle4Truth, is against everything that has to do with the liberals and Democrats. He is extremely conservative and supported Donald Trump to the point of obsession. 
 Blogger allegedly murdered his dad for calling him a Nazi
On the morning of Friday, July 14, Lane who still lived with his parents on Samish Island, Washington, did what he did most mornings; he passed the time on the internet. Lane read and retweeted posts celebrating the Second Amendment, bemoaning diversity, and spreading conspiracy theories that alleged Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta was involved in a child sex ring and DNC staffer Seth Rich had been murdered for leaking sensitive emails to WikiLeaks.
That week had been busy for Lane. During the week, he contributed to the Donald Trump subreddit, and over on The Ralph Retort, a fringe blog where he worked as a political editor. He also celebrated the idea of a Kid Rock Senate run, claimed America was under threat of Sharia law, and wondered whether CNN was "literally ISIS."
That fateful Friday morning, Lane continued in his usual way. He spread Seth Rich conspiracy theories and complained about diversity on Twitter, then at a point, he began screaming and going on a tirade. His parents, Catherine and Charles Davis, were used to such behavior from him but that afternoon, they were tired of Lane’s screaming. They wanted him to leave and told him as much but he flared up and began chasing his parents around their home, spitting in his father’s face while screaming that he wasn’t threatening to kill them, but "pedophiles who were taking over the country."
His mum, Catherine was recording what was going on. She eventually called 911 when her son was out of control and this enraged Lane.
"He’s not physically threatening us or anything," Catherine told the 911 dispatcher. "He just gets out of control and he’s ranting about stuff from the internet."
The dispatcher asked if Lane was drunk, on drugs or has any history of a mental disorder. 
"No, not reported, but he’s not working and he gets on these rampages and he just needs to move on," Catherine replied.  
The dispatcher suggested Catherine and Charles stay away from Lane until the police arrived.
Catherine replied: "We’re trying to but he’s chasing us around the house. He’s mad about something on the internet about leftist pedophiles and he thinks we’re leftist and he’s calling us pedophiles. And I don’t know what all."
Catherine laughed: "He just lives on the internet and he gets really worked up about everything that’s going on. He needs an intervention of some kind here."
The dispatcher told Catherine that police were on their way and she hung up. But Charles’s phone kept recording all that was going on in the house. The recording shows that Lane was enraged by the call his mother made to 911.
He says: "OK well, so here’s the deal. If I am going to go to prison for threatening to kill somebody, I mean..." 
He then picked up a knife.
"Leave the knife alone," Charles told Lane while his mother tries to reassure him.
She told him no one wanted to send him to prison and they just wanted to get him help but he didn't seem to hear or believe his mother.
He said: "So, you are going to send me to prison? My life is over."
Minutes later, Catherine called 911 again. The audio recording is hard to hear. In it, Catherine is running and the portable phone she’s using breaks up. Catherine screams, "He stabbed him!" before the connection is lost.
As Charles, a 73-year-old maritime lawyer and grandfather of two lay bleeding on the back deck after his son stabbed him in the chest and the back with a chef’s knife, Lane walked outside, dropped his weapon and stood with his hands in the air, waiting for police to arrive.
Catherine called 911 once more, saying: "He’s dead, he’s dead, he’s dead."
In a confession, Lane Davis told detectives that the fight had started over "whether toddlers could consent to sex or not," and his father had called him a Nazi and a racist. Lane is being held on a $1 million bail. He has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder. His trial is slated for January.

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