A woman, GinaEhikodi has revealed she welcomed her set of twins months after she was told she had fibroid. Accordingto her, she was told by a Sonographer that she had fibroid and she was evengiven a photo evidence but she refused to accept it and insisted that she iscarrying a set of twins.
"Sir, my womb isnot meant for Fibroid, I said. Madam, he said, I know a fetus when I see oneand fibroid when I see one. Can’t you see the difference? As he showed me theimages on his scan machine.
Sir, I will comeback here and you will see that I am carrying twins, I got up and left.
He looked at melike, so this one wants to teach me my job. Me too looked at him like, am aboutto shock you with the miracles the God I serve can wroth.
Not after I hearthose amazing testimonies from the altar, not after all the twins prayerrequest I have been writing years before I even met my husband. “Devil you canlie sha o”
Long story short… Igot home and started preparing for twins. God gave me a miraculous testimony,no fertility drugs (contrary to what I have heard people say), no specialregimen, easy pregnancy save for palpitations as a result of 2 men growinginside me, favourable conditions etc… Most times I think I don’t deserve it butJehovah is the all merciful who blesses us regardless of our situation.
I look at thesegifts and wonder… none of them look like fibroid ???, what I see are great andhonorable men, who will impact their generation and beyond, positively doingexploits and constantly showcasing God’s Glory.
Jehovah, me yourdaughter is saying thank you again. My whole being and all that I am is notenough to say thank you. Gratitude is all I have got in me!!!" She said.
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