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Exactly one year ago, active citizens took to the streets of major cities in #Nigeria to voice out their dissatisfaction with various unf...

Monday 13 November 2017



Being a fashion designer is a lot of hard work. However, one of the hardest aspects is finding the inspiration for your work. Why are you a designer? So we scoured to find an outstanding entrepreneur from famous designers around Nigeria that could help you find the style for your designs and also could style you to fit in any event. This short interview is between our KDB correspondence and a hotcake fashion designer trending within Akure, Ondo State and its environs.

And we were able to come up with the following:

Amoyedo Bukola (C.E.O Bukam Cuts & Stitches)

KBD : What is your name ma'am?


KDB: Where are you from and where is your current business location:

BUKAM: I am from Kabba, Kogi State. I reside in akure at present, but I'll be relocating soon as a                     result of the Clarion Call (NYSC)

KBD: As an entrepreneur, tell us about an accomplishment you are proud of the most.

BUKAM: One of my major accomplishment is not really my being a recognized Fashion Designer,                     but it is "when i receive admiration and commendations for my designs and wears that i                  make for and from clients and my target market".


KBD: Tell us more about your educational qualifications, and how they will contribute to your             success as an entrepreneur.

BUKAM: I have the following qualifications: Accounting B.Ed, AAT, ACA in view, PMC                                   (Management Consultancy). Respectively, synchronizing my educational qualifications                       with my career as an entrepreneur, it will absolutely aid in the management of the finances                   of the business efficiently and effectively. And also, to impart knowledge to those who                           show interest in the skills. Also to budget and plan properly.

KDB: Who are your favourite designers home and abroad combined?

BUKAM: My favourite Designers are : Oleg Casino and Tela Pink 
                NOTE: I am not sure of the "Casino", but all I know is she is Michelle Obama's Designer                   and I like her works. 

KDB: How do you stay up to date with latest fashion designs, or rather put, how do you                         combine and gather inspiration for your works and wears?

BUKAM: Hmmmmm....about that!....I go on different social media platforms and i download                               trending styles, watch videos from foreign fashion institutes et al.


KDB: What is your favourite part about being a fashion designer?

BUKAM: Well...Cutting New & Chic Styles.

KDB: In what area of design do you specialize in?

BUKAM: Well i do more of female outfits.

KDB: How well do you take criticism? Give an example if any pls.

BUKAM: Basically, i admit my faults and proffer solutions to them.

KDB: What motivates you as a Fashion Designer?

BUKAM: The Passion And  The Skills and my clients has also been the light in the tunnel

KDB: Speaking of Skills, what skills are important for a successful career in Fashion Design?

BUKAM: The major skills i think is important in fashion designing is the Stretching, Foresight and                   Fabrics Management.

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KDB: What trends do you currently see in the Fashion Industry?

BUKAM: For now...its "Off Shoulder Gowns with Peplum"

KDB: Having said all these, any few words for aspiring Fashion Designers?

BUKAM: Success is First within, make preparations and be ready to take risks....Risk Takers are                         High Flyers.

KDB: Thank You very much for your time.

BUKAM: You're always welcomed.


With the short interview granted above, we were able to get her contact details for sponsorship, patronage and acquisition. 

Direct Contact - Amoyedo Bukola (CEO Bukam Cuts & Stitches):
Facebook: Amoyedo Bukola
Instagram: Bukam_Cuts
Whatsapp: (+234) 7068429068
Biz Line: (+234) 8107767871


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