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Tuesday 17 October 2017

Woman who applied to be Harvey Weinstein's nanny describes creepy interview with him; says he wore boxers for the interview

Woman who applied to be Harvey Weinstein

A woman has come forward with details of an unsettling interview she had after applying to be Harvey Weinstein’s nanny.
She said the shamed media mogul conducted the interview in only his boxers and undershirt, then when they were done, he hugged her tight and professed love for her there and then.
Sarah Anne Massie told Inside Edition: "He opened the door wearing only boxer shorts and an undershirt. I obviously thought it was strange."
She says it happened at Weinstein’s mansion in Connecticut in 2008 when she was just a teenager.
She recalled: "I just tried to continue to conduct myself professionally and just look at his face and answer his questions. All I wanted to do was to finish the interview and get out of there."
But when the interview was over, she says the situation became even more bizarre.
"He pulled me in for a very tight, very long hug. Keep in mind he's still only wearing boxer shorts and an undershirt and during this hug, he said 'I love you.'"
Sarah ended up not getting the job and she said she felt she dodged a bullet


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