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Exactly one year ago, active citizens took to the streets of major cities in #Nigeria to voice out their dissatisfaction with various unf...

Tuesday 17 October 2017



Ashes on the ground..
Five(5) years in mind
thieves, thieves" he screamed, it was almost
funny; not until more voices joined the chorus as
they screamed and shouted on us. We could
have ran at least to save our lives, but little did
we know how the day would end. From a handful
of young men shouting and throwing questions at
us, it escalated to a crowd of angry mob. There
was no way we could escape this one, so we
calmed down. They pushed us around and then
stripped us all. These men pulled us pants down,
we were more than embarrassed, the whole
community watched: I recognised few faces
from the crowd. Obviously they were so afraid to
say "stop", then the beating started, I wished it
to be just a nightmare; but it was real, these
men were determined. They dropped heavy rocks
on our heads, they pounded our faces with large
planks, blood covered our eyes,they matched and
kicked us right on our nostrils, we couldn't
breathe. "Bring tire" one of the men repeated,
until they brought the tires. "Oh God!" We
watched the crowd watch us, we raised hands of
plea, we couldn't speak, Some hid, some shot
videos and took pictures. there was no one to
stop this. This was the point we knew it was
over. We felt pain, helpless and hopeless. I
thought of my siblings, I wondered how my mum
would take this. She would fall apart. I begged
God to hold her for me, comfort and make her
strong for me, I prayed same for my friends.
Then we started crying, we cried together. the
tears gave us headaches. We looked up high, the
sky was still. Rings of tires landed on our necks,
they kept hitting us, but we were numb already.
They set us ablaze. We rolled around, tried to
reach for each other, I wondered who would give
up first, the fire burned our bodies. it hurt, it hurt
and then it hurt. But suddenly the pain stopped,
Then I couldn't hear any other thing, but silence.
I thanked God. The pain was over.
Ugonna, Llyod, Tekana and Chidiaka (slain
uniport students)



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