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Thursday 26 October 2017

The brain of the Las Vegas gunman will be sliced open by a neuropathologist looking for clues on why he killed innocent people

The brain of the Las Vegas gunman will be sliced open by a neuropathologist?looking for clues on why he killed innocent people

Dr. Hannes Vogel, director of neuropathology at Stanford University Medical Center will next month receive the brains of Stephen Paddock, who killed 58 concertgoers in Las Vegas earlier this month in a rampage without any clear motive.

While law enforcement officials attempt to understand the mass shooting by gathering evidence and interviewing those who crossed the gunman’s path, Dr. Vogel is preparing to look for clues in the remains of Mr. Paddock’s brain.

Earlier, the office of the Clark County coroner had announced that an autopsy on Mr. Paddock had been completed and that tissues from his skull would be sent to Stanford to search for a potential brain disorder. “Don’t spare any expense,” Dr. Vogel said he was told by a pathologist in the coroner’s office.
The brain of the Las Vegas gunman will be sliced open by a neuropathologist?looking for clues on why he killed innocent people

“The magnitude of this tragedy has so many people wondering how it could have evolved,” Dr. Vogel said. That includes whether any one of more than a half-dozen neurological diseases proposed to the coroner’s office might have played a role. Even though the chances of finding answers in the brain tissue to the mystery of Mr. Paddock’s act are slim, Dr. Vogel said, “all these speculations out there will be put to rest, I think.”

Examinations of the brains of individual mass killers have been performed in the past, but experts said they were not aware of any compilation of the findings. Dr. Vogel, one of the relatively few academic neuropathologists to focus on forensics, said he planned to look for and photograph any gross abnormalities, such as a tumor or malformation, that could be felt or seen by the eye alone.

Then he will focus on interior structures. Mr. Paddock’s brain has already undergone an initial assessment, but Dr. Vogel will probably dissect it further, cutting vertically from the top with a large knife oriented as if from ear to ear. He will take samples of the tissue, and colleagues will create paper-thin slices, mount them onto slides and treat them with stains that highlight potential abnormalities of individual cells.


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