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Tuesday 26 September 2017

*Open Heaven Daily Devotional Focal Points*
text: *Luke 1:46-52*
Memorise : *Luke 1:49*
• Our God is a great and big God. In terms of size, He is so massive. Imagine that He sits on His throne in the third heavens and His feet still touches the earth *(Isaiah 66:1)*.
• Due to the fact that our God is so big, He does great and big things.
• In *(Genesis 1:20-22,)* when He said the waters should bring forth living creatures, the oceans were soon filled with all manners of fish and sea creatures. All He has to do is to say “Let there be”, and it will come to pass.

✔️ The lord will do great and mighty things in your life this season in Jesus’ mighty Name! doing great and mighty things is His specialty. *(Jeremiah 33:3,)*
• When he met a young, ordinary and unknown virgin and He picked her for His great purpose, she was overwhelmed *(Luke 1:49)*
✔️ In the mighty Name of Jesus, the Lord shall pick and use you for His great and mighty works to demonstrate his Almightiness!
• *(Genesis 1:28)* When He says “multiple”, He really means it. During creation, when He spoke that command, it was just Adam and eve, but today, the world has several billions of people in it.
• Also, when Israel came into Egypt in *(Exodus 1:5,)* they were just 70 people, but by the time they were leaving *(Exodus 12:37)*.
• They kept multiplying in accordance to God’s word, in spite of all that the government of Egypt did to drastically reduce their numbers.
✔️ From today, no matter what the enemy does to stop your increase, God’s word on increase will continue to thrive in your life!
• In addition to being a big God, He does big things. His purpose for your life is therefore big.
✔️ Are you small, little, unknown and a local champion?
• Because your God is big, you cannot remain small. His size will definitely affect and transform your size.
✔️ In the Name of Jesus Christ, you are breaking out of every barrier and limitation!
✔️ You are coming out of every box of limitation that both you and others have enclosed you in!
✔️ you shall be great, and you shall achieve great things for God’s Name, far beyond your dreams!
*Key Point:*
• God cannot be big and you remain small. Your vision should reflect the size of your God.
*OHDD Focal Point*


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